How To Get Well

The Healing Power of Habits


You know that feeling like life is pulling you in a hundred directions, and yet, somehow, you’re standing still? Maybe you’ve been dealing with pain, exhaustion, or a sense that you’re just not thriving the way you should be feeling.

The truth is, that feeling good, having energy and physical freedom is not about quick fixes or waiting for the "right time." It’s about the small, daily actions that build momentum. It’s about habits. The way you walk, breathe, eat, rest, and think every single day has a large weight on your health. The good news is, that you have the power to control this.

Jesse David Soopaya, Molly Rose Johansson, Meditating, Meditators, Yoga, Yoga Ndira, Healing, Habits, Holistic Health, Wellbeing, Mind Body Spirit

Growth takes time. Becoming who you want to be in this lifetime isn’t an overnight process. Your destiny is undoubtedly filled with countless highs and hopefully not too many lows. These phases, the ebbs and flows of existence, mirror the hum and buzz of the natural world around us.

It’s easy to forget, sitting here reading this article in front of a screen, that we are nature. And nature isn’t always peaceful. It’s not free of pain or suffering. So, why do we expect human life to be? If you’ve lost a loved one, battled a serious health condition, or endured an injury, you know the toll it takes. It can knock the wind out of your sails and make life barely tolerable.

But whatever you’ve lived through does not define your next chapter. You can choose growth, recovery, and vitality. Your prognosis is largely in your own hands. It’s time to take action to do the thing you said you would do. The hardest part is always the first brave step.


For most people, it takes three to four weeks of consistent effort before a new habit solidifies in their neurobiology. As Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality”. Whatever someone has told you about what you can’t do there’s a very good chance you can prove them wrong. The key is to take aligned action and start walking the path today. Here are some simple steps you can take today to get yourself moving in the right direction.


1. Avoid Distractions
Anything that doesn’t align with your current goals needs to go. This won’t happen overnight, but be smart about it. Get help. And don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself when you realise you’ve let distractions get the better of you—just refocus and move forward.

2. Create Lists
Make them realistic. Stick to them. Treat them like your commandments. Your future self will thank you.

3. Set Reminders
Everywhere. However, it works for words, images, music, art, poetry, nature or a person. Immerse yourself in your goals so deeply that they become second nature. Let positive propaganda flood your awareness until what you want starts falling into place effortlessly.

4. Treat Yourself
Our brain and body are hardwired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. So, reward yourself when you accomplish something meaningful. A nourishing, healthy treat—maybe a massage, a gift you’ve been eyeing, or something that genuinely makes you feel good.


“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality”

-Albert Einstein



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