About Reiki
Reiki is a form of energy clearing that facilitates the body’s natural healing processes. Reiki assists in releasing emotions such as anxiety, shame, guilt & fear.
Reiki is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. It is a form of energy healing using universal life force. “Ki” or “Chi” is the energy that flows through all living things.
Everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing intelligence and use it to strengthen their body. When our energy is strong; our body and mind are in an optimal state. When our energy becomes weak or blocked it leads to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance which impacts our mental health and spiritual vitality.
Our heart and body are highly intelligent. This powerful healing intelligence operates beyond logical thought and the analytical mind. A typical reiki session offers an opportunity for deep relaxation and is soothing for the mind and body. By resting in a safe and comfortable space, Reiki is a way for us to listen to our heart’s intent.
Through clearing energetic blockages we raise our vibrational frequency, taking us toward our highest potential.
“Our energy bodies are much like a flowing river. With Reiki, we release blockages allowing the energy to flow, restoring our homeostatic equilibrium.”
— Molly Rose
We are energetic beings and all matter vibrates at a certain frequency.
The aim is to vibrate at a higher frequency to feel great. Hence “good vibes”.
We feel our best when our energy is flowing like a river.
Imagine water flowing from a river becoming stuck from a large fallen tree trunk. The water starts to lose its natural pristine state – it loses its flow.
If our energy is not flowing (energy block) it becomes stagnant; it is cleared with Reiki.
The Reiki practitioner is a channel for the energy to flow, using their hands to pass the energy to the receiver.

“Clearing energetic blockages raises our vibrational frequency, taking us towards our highest potential.”
— Molly Rose
Distant Reiki
Universal energy is in everything, everywhere.
The reason reiki can be received from a distance is because it’s an energetic transfer and energy is not limited by distance.
A distant reiki session can be utilized when it’s hard to meet in person.
For example: if you are feeling unwell, are time poor, out of town, state or country.
That’s right, you can receive reiki on the other side of the globe!
An important factor for a distant reiki session is how open the person is to receiving. If you feel you want to open up to the benefits of reiki you may need to openly acknowledge there is perhaps a blockage to unveil.

When our energy body becomes stagnant it is cleared through Reiki, which is sourced at the heart.
A reiki healing session begins with setting an intention. Then, the reiki and the intention travels into the receiver’s body.
When you create an intention, you are adding greater energy to the session. Thoughts and words are all in a state of vibration and add to the moving dance of life.