Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is a dynamic sequence that honors the Lord Sun and awakens your body, mind, and spirit. This invigorating practice energizes, balances, and fills you with positivity. The class involves: The Surya Namaskar Mantra, breathing techniques & relaxation techniques for inner peace and calm. Join us weekly to master this powerful routine and reap its rejuvenating benefits.

Who Is This For?

Sun Salutation class Collingwood, Ashtanga Yoga Class Collingwood, Surya Namaskar, Yoga Class Collingwood

This class is for anyone seeking strength, vitality, and balance through the ancient practice of Surya Namaskar. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, it offers a structured, energizing practice to awaken your body, sharpen your focus, and build momentum. Ideal for busy professionals, athletes, movers, and spiritual seekers, this class helps improve flexibility, coordination, and breath awareness while realigning you with the sun’s vital energy.

Meet The Teacher

Divya Sharma

Divya Sharma, Yoga Terhe, Yoga Therapist Collingwood, Divya Yoga Teacher, Traditional Yoga Teacher

Yoga Therapist & Teacher

For Divya, yoga is more than a physical practice it is a journey of healing, transformation, and deep connection with higher consciousness. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of Classical Yoga, she seamlessly integrates yogic principles into modern life, making yoga a way of living rather than just an activity on the mat. Divya’s philosophy centers around yoga for daily life, integrating practice into the demands of a householder’s world.

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