The Therapeutic Use of Sound
What is sound & vibrational therapy?
Sound and vibrational therapy has been utilized for centuries by a multitude of cultures as a healing modality.
Sound works on a subtle level with very real effects on the mind and body.
Research shows sound therapy can reduce stress, inflammation and calm the nervous system.
It is not uncommon for individuals to experience; deep states of relaxation, altered states of consciousness, or a renewed outlook on life.
Sound therapy can be utilized to help with physical, mental, or energetic problems.
How sound affects us.
Sound is a continuum of vibrational frequencies that through resonance can move matter.
This includes the human heart, nervous system, and cells.
When used correctly, sound can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the opposite of the flight or fight system.
This occurs through slowing down the respiratory rate, and heart rate and entraining the brain waves into a relaxed state.
““Sound will be the medicine of the future” ”
The calming of the mind and body produced by sound creates homeostasis and can improve both physiological and psychological functioning.
Every part of the human body is in a constant state of vibration. The term “Sound health” refers too normally healthy resonance in our body.
The aim of sound therapy is to bring a person back into harmonious ressonance.